Hip Hip Ninà

Hip Hip Ninà, oltre ad essere il ritornello con il quale incito all'esultanza la mia cagnetta, è un invito.
L'invito a coltivare la determinazione ad appassionarsi e stupirsi, nonostante tutto.

Being the jingle I use to incite my little dog to play, Hip Hip Ninà is an invitation. The invitation to keep on being fascinated and amazed, no matter what happened to us before.


Sono Laura e vivo in Italia, dove scrivo, per vocazione e per lavoro. In questo spazio condivido quel che per me è d'ispirazione e che di giorno in giorno attingo dal mondo della fotografia, del design, della poesia e dall'opera di artisti emergenti.

I am Laura and I live in Italy, where I write, as a work and a vocation. This is the place in which I share whatever I find inspiring, enchanting and interesting in design, photography, poetry and emerging art.

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Chi mi segue

giovedì 17 giugno 2010

The White House

I am moving for the second time in 15 months, leaving a rented house for another renting, a farmhouse for another farmhouse.  It sounds a bit like madness, I know, but an unpleasant owner which hates everything that has leaves on a side and an enchanting apartment in a 18th century estate on the other made the decision. So I packed up my stuff (a looooot of stuff, argh!) again and I moved.

Tought, done (in 4 months, I mean). And now I am attending to the very important part of the work: organizing the books by colour on my new Ikea's Liatorp, hanging the gorgeous mirror I bought from Retrovius, finding the right frame for one and each thing I want to put on the walls.

I'm afraid it's going to be a long-lasting work (to be honest: in the meanwhile I live like a princess in my parents house!), but soon I am entering my NEW WHITE HOUSE (I chose white for the walls, white for the sofas, white for most of the furniture):

I am looking for a lot of LIGHT!
You can get an idea of what a mean from this amazing picture...

 Foto 5. Foto 6.                                                                                                     

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